Dear Colleagues,

I have to inform you that no agreement was concluded concerning publication of the ION 2010 Conference Proceedings as a special issue of  Vacuum. Since 2000 this journal has been a sole host for ION Conference papers. I understand a disappointment of our ION community. 

The proceedings of the ION 2010 Conference will be published in Acta Physica Polonica A. 

Most of requirements for the Authors, including manuscript size, remain the same as it was before with the Vacuum journal. The important changes are: inclusion of PACS (Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme) numbers and a different style of References. The details are enclosed in a Guide to Authors of Papers in  Acta Physica Polonica A.

Invited papers must not exceed 8 journal pages. Contributed (oral and poster) papers must not exceed 4 journal printed pages which is equivalent to 2600 words. One table or figure is equivalent to 150 words. For example, a contributed paper containing 5 figures: 1850 words + 5 figures = 2600 = 4 printed pages in Acta Physica Polonica A. The manuscript (original plus one copy), should be provided with a CD to the Conference Office during the registration.

 Jerzy Żuk

Chairman of ION 2010